The RBI Grade B 2025 Exam is one of the most competitive banking exams in India, requiring in-depth preparation across multiple areas. While objective sections often receive more attention, descriptive answer writing in Phase II is a game-changer, especially in English and Economic and Social Issues (ESI). Mastering this section can significantly boost your score and ensure success.
Through this article learn Why Descriptive is Game Changer in RBI Grade B 2025 exam? How to write a Good Answer in RBI Grade B Phase II Economics and Social Issue and Finance and Management?
RBI Grade B 2025: Why Descriptive is Game Changer?
RBI Grade B 2025: What to write in descriptive Answer Writing?
RBI Grade B Mains 2025: Descriptive Answer Writing Format
How to Evaluate Your Answers
- Self-Assessment: Compare your answer with model answers. Check for:
- Adherence to the word limit.
- Logical flow and clarity.
- Use of relevant data and examples.
- Peer Review: Share your answers with fellow aspirants for constructive feedback.
- Mentor Guidance: Enroll in online courses or coaching programs that provide professional evaluation.
Tools and Resources for Practice
- RBI Annual Reports and Economic Surveys: Use these for authentic data and policy insights.
- Mock Tests: Platforms like ours edugrade learning offer Best Phase II mock tests.
- Writing Tools: Use apps like Grammarly or Quillbot to refine grammar and clarity.
Daily Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Day - 1: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
ESI: What do you understand by Green Growth? Discuss its Need and Challenges. Also discuss the initiatives by the government to promote green growth. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Finance: What is bank run? How failure of one bank can make the entire economy collapse? Discuss the importance of DSIB’S in protecting Indian financial system? (400 Words, 20 Min)
Management: "People often see the same phenomenon differently. What they view may not always be true." Discuss. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 2: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Finance: Q. Analyze the importance of the primary market in raising capital for businesses and fostering economic growth. (400 Words, 20 Min)
Management: Q. Explain Kurt Lewin's three-step model of change and its relevance in managing organizational change, along with its strength and limitations. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 3: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Economics: Q. Analyze the role of globalization in shaping India's economic landscape. Discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalization of economy. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Finance: Q. Explain the impact of demonetization on the adoption and acceptance of digital payments in India and also analyze the challenges faced by the adoption of digital payments in India. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Management: Q. Discuss the consequences of unresolved conflict in organizations. Analyze the impact of conflict on productivity, employee morale, decision-making, and organizational culture. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Management: Q. Explain the concept of conflict management. Analyze the role of leadership in managing conflict. Discuss the skills and qualities that effective leaders possess in handling conflicts and fostering a positive work environment. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 4: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Finance: Q. Discuss the structure of the banking system in India, highlighting the different types of banks and their roles in the financial sector. (600 Words, 25 min)
Management: Q. Explain the importance of reinforcement in shaping employee behavior in organizations. Discuss how positive reinforcement can be used to reinforce desired behaviors and enhance employee motivation and performance (600 Words, 25 min) .
Day - 5: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Q. Economics: Discuss the multidimensional nature of poverty in India and the key challenges in poverty alleviation. Examine the role of government policies and programs in addressing poverty.(600 Words, 25 min)
Q. Finance: Analyze the Importance of Urban cooperative banks (UCBs) in the Indian banking system. Discuss their functions, regulations, and their contribution to credit intermediation (600 Words, 25 min)
Q. Management: Discuss the role of nudge theory in improving organizational performance. How can managers use nudges to influence employee behavior and enhance productivity? (400 Words, 20 Min)
Day - 6: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Economics: Q. What do you understand by Inflation? Explain the method used to estimate inflation in India and consequences of high inflation on various sectors of Economy. Discuss the monetary policy measures used to control inflation. (600 Words, 25 min)
Finance: Q. Analyze the role of inflation in income distribution and wealth inequality. Discuss how inflation affects different segments of society, particularly the vulnerable sections. (600 Words, 25 min)
Finance: Q. What do you understand by Imported inflation? Discuss the challenges faced in controlling inflation in a developing country like India.
Management: Q. What do you understand by Perception and Perceptual errors? Discuss the common perceptual biases and the implications of perceptual biases in decision - making processes. (600 Words, 25 min)
ESI Q. What do you understand by the term Balance of Payment? Examine the factors that led to the balance of payment crisis of the early 90s and also discuss the measures taken by India. (600 Word, 25 Min)
Finance Q. What is Bond Yield? Discuss the factors that influence variation in bond yields and how these variations impact economy? (400 Words, 20 Min)
Management Q. Explain the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid Theory of leadership. What are its advantages and limitations? (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 8: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
ESI Q. How India's Industrial policy has shaped after Independence? Discuss in detail. (600 Word, 25 Min)
Finance Q. Discuss the role of Technology in Promoting Financial Inclusion (400 Words, 20 Min)
Management Q. Why do you understand by Business ethics? why ethical problems occur in business? Suggest measures. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 9: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
ESI Q. Analyze the growing impacts of climate change on India. Are the steps taken so far adequate enough to tackle climate change? 600 Words, 25 Min
Management Q. Discuss the Alderfer's’ ERG theory and how it is different from Maslow's Theory of Needs? - 400 Words, 20 Min
Finance Q. Digital lending ecosystem has gained momentum in the recent past. Explaining the significance, enumerate the recent RBI regulations which seek to address concerns related to digital lending. (400 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 10: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Q.1. Management: What are the five leadership styles depicted in the Managerial Grid? Explain how the Managerial Grid can be used to assess leadership styles in terms of employee well-being. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.2. Finance: What is Money Markets? Discuss its objective and Functions. Also list the types of instruments typically used in these markets. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.3. Economics: Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental challenges facing the world today. Discuss the impact of climate change on India and suggest policy measures for mitigation and adaptation. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 11: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Q.1. What do understand by Great Man Theory/Trait Theory of Leadership? Disuses the traits of a Successful Leader and also the limitation. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.2. Finance: Write short notes on the following
A. T-Bill
B Certificate of Deposit
C. Commercial Papers
(600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.3. Economics: Analyze the relationship between poverty, unemployment, and inclusive growth, highlighting policy measures to address these challenges. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 12: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Q.1. Management: Describe McClelland's three acquired needs (achievement, affiliation, power) and discuss their influence on individual work behavior. Provide examples of how organizations can cater to these needs to enhance motivation. (400 Words, 20 Min)
Q.2. Finance: Monetary policy is a crucial tool for economic stability. Discuss the instruments used by the RBI to conduct monetary policy in India. Analyze how these instruments impact inflation, interest rates, and economic growth. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.3. Economics: Explain the multidimensional nature of poverty and discuss the key strategies adopted by the government to address the challenge of poverty in India. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 13: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Q.1. Compare Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Alderfer's ERG (existence, relatedness, growth) theory. Which one is better than the other? (400 Words, 20 Min)
Q.2. The RBI has recently introduced Basel - III norms for AIFIs. In this regard Discuss What are AIFIs, their Role and Purpose in Economy. Also discuss the Basel - III norms introduced by RBI. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.3. Economics: What do you understand by Structural Unemployment? Examine the methodology adopted to compute unemployment in the country and suggest improvements. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 14: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Q.1. Management: Describe evolution of management thought by comparing the Scientific, Administrative, Human Research & Systems approaches based on their features. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.2. Finance: What is CBDC? Discuss it's advantage, challenge and Way Forward. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.3. Economics: Faster economic growth requires increased share of the manufacturing sector in GDP, particularly of MSMEs. Discuss the Role of MSME in Promoting Entrepreneurship, generating Employment and Boosting Export. Also Comment on the present policies of the Government in this regard. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Day - 15: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2025
Q.1. Management - What is a managerial role? Discuss the 10 Managerial Roles by Henry Mintzberg. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.2. Finance - Write Short notes on any three Key Functions of RBI. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Q.3. Economics - India's rapidly expanding gig economy: Discuss the Advantage, Current Status, Challenges and Way Forward. (600 Words, 25 Min)
Essay - Discuss the arguments around holding simultaneous elections in India? Also analyze the challenges in its implementation. (600 Words, 35 Min)
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In conclusion, mastering descriptive answer writing is crucial for excelling in the RBI Grade B 2025 exam, as it not only tests your knowledge but also your ability to articulate ideas effectively. A well-structured and concise answer can set you apart from other candidates. Focus on understanding the topic, use relevant data, and maintain clarity and coherence throughout your response. Practice regularly with a variety of essay topics, precis exercises, and comprehension questions to enhance your skills.
Remember, descriptive writing is not just about what you write but also how you present it. With consistent effort and strategic preparation, you can make this section your biggest strength and take a confident step closer to your RBI Grade B dream!