Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

Brajesh Mohan

Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023. RBI Grade B Phase II Exam 2023 will be conducted on 30th July 2023 in two shifts for Three Papers namely Economics and Social Issue, Descriptive English and Finance & Management. RBI changed the mains exam pattern in RBI Grade B 2021 and made it the mix of Objective and Descriptive (50 Marks each section). 

Through this article, we are sharing you few set of Important and most expected questions from Economics and Social Issue, Finance & Management for RBI Grade B Mains 2023. Practice writing these Questions. You can check below for format which you need to follow.

Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions - RBI Grade B 2023

All these questions, especially in Economics and Finance, are mostly based on the latest news (related to topics mentioned in the syllabus).

Know the format and Basics of Answer Writing and Descriptive English Writing. Generally in Answer writing we write in Points and in Essay we write in Paragraphs, although there is no such rule except for Precis writing where you have to write in single paragraph.

- Follow Introduction - Body - Conclusion 

- Inside Introduction of Answer, Start with Definition or Any related Data from any report you know. Also include current context or news if the topics is based on latest news.

- Don't forget to conclude your essay and Answers 

Word Limit - You should stick to word limit, as you shouldn't cross it and also there may be people whose typing speed is not so good, for them writing all the 4 answers are must so maintain 80% word limit or 75% for all questions so that you can complete the paper within time.

Read the Questions carefully, Understand it and then write, many a times, questions are in multiple part and demands information related to all the parts but we miss 1 or more parts and lose marks ultimately.

Fix time for each questions based on given time, like 25 min each for 15 marks and 20 min each for 10 marks questions and you should read the question, understand it, make a model and then answer under this time only. Make a mindset, I will not exceed this time limit, whatever written i will conclude there itself (it may sound wrong but with practice you will start completing the questions on time). 

Proofreading - Under 25 min or 20 min, you should also need to devote 2-3 mins for checking grammatical or spelling mistakes in your answers or essay. This is must do activity but you can do it only when you have good speed otherwise you won't have to do this activity.

Recent Additional Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023 - July 2023

Q. Do a critical evaluation of RBI’s monetary policy during the Green Swan Events.

Q. What is the impact of exchange rate volatility on the Indian economy? In order to manage the exchange rate, what tools does the RBI use? Explain with the help of suitable examples. 

Q. India has done fairly well in terms of economic growth despite the global economic slowdown. How? Analyze.  

Q. What do you understand by inflation targeting? Has the adoption of an inflation targeting regime served the interests of the Indian economy well? Critically examine. 

Q. What are Foreign Exchange Reserve, its need and components? Discuss the factors that have helped the RBI to maintain a healthy foreign exchange reserve. 

Q. What are the pressing challenges faced by the MSME sector in India? What recent measures have been taken by the government to strengthen the MSMEs? Discuss.

Q. What do you understand by Fed tapering? How does it affect the economy of developing countries? What measures are usually adopted to lessen the impact of Fed tapering on the domestic economy? Discuss. 

Q. Recently, the RBI has withdrawn the higher value currency notes as part of its Clean Note policy. Analyze the potential benefits and drawbacks of this step, considering its implications on the Indian economy

Q. What do you understand by Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) agreement? What are its implications for India? Explain with the help of suitable examples

Q. Discuss the Economic significance of R&D, and also suggests some measures for its promotion in India

Q. What is e-rupee? Highlighting it's various features, discuss its benefits.

Last 10 Days Descriptive Writing Series (Ongoing on Telegram Channel)

Day - 1/10 of Descriptive Practice Series for RBI Grade B 2023

ESI: What do you understand by Green Growth? Discuss its Need and Challenges. Also discuss the initiatives by the government to promote green growth. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Finance: What is bank run? How failure of one bank can make the entire economy collapse? Discuss the importance of DSIB’S in protecting Indian financial system? (400 Words, 20 Min)

Management: "People often see the same phenomenon differently. What they view may not always be true." Discuss. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Day - 2/10 of Descriptive Practice Series for RBI Grade B 2023

Finance: Q. Discuss the role of Microfinance and Community based Collectivization in promoting the women in India. (400 Words, 20 Min)

ESI: Q. Analyze the role of technology in promoting sustainable development and mitigating environmental issues in India. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Management: Q. What are the Financial Risks? Discuss its various Types and also the ways of managing these financial risks. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Essay - Rise of Gig Economy in India (600 Words)

Day - 3/10 of Descriptive Practice Series for RBI Grade B 2023

Finance: Q. What do you understand by Inflation Targeting? Critically analyze the role of Inflation Targeting Framework in managing Inflation in recent years. (400 Words, 20 Min)

ESI: Q. Analyze the role of globalization in shaping India's economic landscape. Discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalization of economy. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Management : Q. Explain the concept of conflict management. Discuss the skills and qualities that an effective leader possess in handling conflicts and fostering a positive work environment. (400 Words, 20 Min)

Essay - Role of AI/ML in Banking Sector (600 Words, 35 Min) (Also include points related to RBI) 

Previous Series of 15 Days in June 2023

Day - 8: Descriptive Writing for RBI Grade B 2023 - 15 Days Schedule

Economics: Q. What do you understand by Export - Import Policy? Discuss its objective, Significance and various incentives by the govt to promote Export.(600 Words, 25 Min)

Finance: Q. Analyze the importance of the primary market in raising capital for businesses and fostering economic growth. (400 Words, 20 Min)

Management: Q. Explain Kurt Lewin's three-step model of change and its relevance in managing organizational change, along with its strength and limitations. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Day - 7: Descriptive Writing for RBI Grade B 2023 

Economics: Q. Analyze the role of globalization in shaping India's economic landscape. Discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalization of economy. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Finance: Q. Explain the impact of demonetization on the adoption and acceptance of digital payments in India and also analyze the challenges faced by the adoption of digital payments in India. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Management: Q. Discuss the consequences of unresolved conflict in organizations. Analyze the impact of conflict on productivity, employee morale, decision-making, and organizational culture. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Management: Q. Explain the concept of conflict management. Analyze the role of leadership in managing conflict. Discuss the skills and qualities that effective leaders possess in handling conflicts and fostering a positive work environment. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Day - 6: Descriptive Writing for RBI Grade B 2023 

Economics: Q. What do you understand by Inflation? Explain the method used to estimate inflation in India and consequences of high inflation on various sectors of Economy. Discuss the monetary policy measures used to control inflation. (600 Words, 25 min)

Finance: Q. Analyze the role of inflation in income distribution and wealth inequality. Discuss how inflation affects different segments of society, particularly the vulnerable sections. (600 Words, 25 min)

Finance: Q. What do you understand by Imported inflation? Discuss the challenges faced in controlling inflation in a developing country like India. 

Management: Q. What do you understand by Perception and Perceptual errors? Discuss the common perceptual biases and the implications of perceptual biases in decision - making processes. (600 Words, 25 min)

Day - 5: Questions are based on Indian Money and Financial Markets: Linkages with the economy - Role of Indian banks and Reserve Bank in the development process.

Q. Discuss the role of Indian banks in the economic development of the country. Analyze their functions, such as mobilization of savings, credit creation, and facilitation of investments.

Q. Explain the role of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in regulating and supervising the Indian banking sector. Discuss its key responsibilities in maintaining financial stability and promoting economic growth.

Q. Analyze the challenges faced by Indian banks in the current economic scenario. Discuss issues such as asset quality, capital adequacy, and governance reforms required to strengthen the banking sector.

Q. Discuss the role of the RBI in maintaining financial stability and managing external shocks. Analyze its role as a lender of last resort and its interventions in the foreign exchange market.

Q. Discuss the role of the RBI in promoting financial sector reforms in India. Analyze the impact of liberalization, privatization, and globalization on the Indian banking and financial sector.

Q. Discuss the importance of corporate governance in Indian banks. Analyze the regulatory measures and initiatives taken to enhance corporate governance practices in the banking sector.

Q. Analyze the linkages between the Indian money market and the overall economy. Discuss how the money market influences interest rates, liquidity, and credit availability for businesses and consumers.

Q. Discuss the significance of the Indian capital market in mobilizing long-term funds for investments. Analyze the role of stock exchanges, mutual funds, and other financial institutions in facilitating capital market activities. 

Q. Explain the concept of non-performing assets (NPAs) and their impact on the Indian banking sector. Discuss the measures taken by the RBI and the government to address the issue of NPAs and strengthen the banking system.

Q. Analyze the role of commercial banks in promoting financial inclusion in India. Discuss the initiatives taken by banks to expand banking services to the unbanked and underprivileged sections of society.

Day - 4: Descriptive Writing for RBI Grade B 2023 

Economics: Q. What are SEZs? What role they have in development of manufacturing in India? Discuss the various provisions of DESH Bill to strengthen SEZ in India. (600 Words, 25 min) 

Finance: Q. Discuss the benefits and challenges associated with the widespread adoption of digital banking technologies. (400 Words, 20 min) 

Management: Q. What do you understand by Personality? Explain the factors that influence personality development. Discuss the role of genetics, environment, and social factors in shaping an individual's personality. (400 Words, 20 Min)

Day - 3: Descriptive Writing for RBI Grade B 2023 

Economics: Q. How have monetary and fiscal policies changed since the reforms of 1991? What are the implications of these changes for the Indian economy? (600 Words, 25 min) 

Finance: Q. Discuss the structure of the banking system in India, highlighting the different types of banks and their roles in the financial sector. (600 Words, 25 min) 

Management: Q. Explain the importance of reinforcement in shaping employee behavior in organizations. Discuss how positive reinforcement can be used to reinforce desired behaviors and enhance employee motivation and performance (600 Words, 25 min) .

Day - 2: Descriptive Writing for RBI Grade B 2023 

Q. Economics + Finance + Social Issue : Discuss the role of microfinance and self-help groups in empowering women and reducing poverty. Analyze the impact of financial inclusion initiatives on poverty alleviation. (600 Words, 25 min) 

Or, Q. Economics: Discuss the multidimensional nature of poverty in India and the key challenges in poverty alleviation. Examine the role of government policies and programs in addressing poverty.(600 Words, 25 min) 

Q. Finance: Analyze the Importance of Urban cooperative banks (UCBs) in the Indian banking system. Discuss their functions, regulations, and their contribution to credit intermediation (600 Words, 25 min) 

Q. Management: Discuss the role of nudge theory in improving organizational performance. How can managers use nudges to influence employee behavior and enhance productivity? (400 Words, 20 Min)

Day - 1: Descriptive Writing for RBI Grade B 2023 

Q. Economics: Analyze the role of technology in promoting sustainable development and mitigating environmental issues in India. (400 Words, 15 Min)

Q. Finance: What are the Development Finance Institution? Discuss the need for a dedicated institution like NABFID in India to finance infrastructure projects. What are the key objectives of NABFID? (600 Words, 25 Min)

Q. Management: Identify and discuss the common barriers to communication and discuss the role of information technology in removing these barriers. (400 Words, 20 Min)

15 Days Descriptive Writing Practice Series - April 2023

Day - 9: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023 

Q. Discuss the functioning of the money market in India and its role in monetary policy transmission. (600 Words, 25 min) 

Q. Analyze the role of the capital market in capital formation and its contribution to economic growth. (400 Words, 20 Min) 

Q. Analyze the potential of fintech in promoting financial inclusion and improving access to financial services. (400 Words, 20 Min)

Day - 8: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

Finance - Q. Discuss the functions of AIFIs? How is it different from commercial banks? Discuss the need and importance of AIFIs. (600 words, 25 Min)

ESI & Finance - Q. What are Budget Deficit? Discuss various sources of Deficit financing in detail. (400 Words, 20 Min)

Finance - Q. What is Debt-to-GDP ratio? Discuss the reasons of rising Debt-to-GDP ratio and its possible Impact on economy. (400 Words, 20 Min)

Day - 7: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

ESI Q. What do you understand by the term Balance of Payment? Examine the factors that led to the balance of payment crisis of the early 90s and also discuss the measures taken by India. (600 Word, 25 Min)

Finance Q. What is Bond Yield? Discuss the factors that influence variation in bond yields and how these variations impact economy? (400 Words, 20 Min)

Management Q. Explain the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid Theory of leadership. What are its advantages and limitations? (600 Words, 25 Min)

Day - 6: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

ESI Q. How India's Industrial policy has shaped after Independence? Discuss in detail. (600 Word, 25 Min)

Finance Q. Discuss the role of Technology in Promoting Financial Inclusion (400 Words, 20 Min)

Management Q. Why do you understand by Business ethics? why ethical problems occur in business? Suggest measures. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Day - 5: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

ESI Q. Analyze the growing impacts of climate change on India. Are the steps taken so far adequate enough to tackle climate change?  600 Words, 25 Min 

Management Q. Discuss the Alderfer's’ ERG theory and how it is different from Maslow's Theory of Needs? - 400 Words, 20 Min 

Finance Q. Digital lending ecosystem has gained momentum in the recent past. Explaining the significance, enumerate the recent RBI regulations which seek to address concerns related to digital lending. (400 Words, 25 Min)

Day - 4: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

Social Issue: Q. Urbanization has lead to higher economic Growth but it has come at a cost, Discuss the pros and cons of Urbanization. (600 Words, 25 Min)

Finance: Q. What do you mean by shadow banking system? What are the challenges faced by India’s shadow banking system at present? (400 Words, 20 Min)

Management: Q. What is Nudge theory? Highlight the importance of Nudge theory in modern world. (400 Words, 20 Min)

Day - 3: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

ESI: Discuss the key highlights of new Foreign Trade Policy (FTP 2023) in promotion of India's external trade. (600 - 800 Words)

FM: Briefly discuss the Development and Monetary Function of RBI in recent times. (400 words, 20 min) 

Day - 2: Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Questions for RBI Grade B 2023

ESI: What do you understand by Green Growth, discuss the Importance, challenges and Recent Initiatives. (600 Words)

FM: Differentiate Motivation and Morale and also discuss the Importance of Motivation and Morale for a Manager. (600 Words)

30 Days Descriptive Answer Writing Practice Series - RBI Grade B 2023 - Feb & March 2023

Download 30 Days Questions List PDF - Download

Why Descriptive is Game Changer? - Download

Tips for Precis Writing - Download

Essay List in Feb 2023 - Click Here to Read

Essay List in April 2023 - Click Here to Read

Essay List in July 2023 - Click Here to Read

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